Sunday 17 June 2012

spoiled for the ordinary

I wish I could write a blog about the beautiful flowers and trees and places I have been.  I admire people who can use words to paint a picture, pull out the minute detail that may have been overlooked had they not described them.  But for me, my heart always wants to go deeper.  I always want to know the why behind the what.  So in writing this blog you need to understand that there are many unpublished pages of thought spilled out like water onto a parched canvas of dusty earth, do I capture it or let it fall to the ground?
To open your thoughts to others is to make yourself vulnerable. To be judged.  Far better to remain silent and have people think you are a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt - is a famous quote.
But it is far to simple to describe the delicious fragrance of a flower or the softly beating wings of a butterfly, things of exquisite beauty.  I am allured by the danger of going deeper... my mind is intrigued with the inner workings of a clock (I once or twice took one completely apart to find out how it worked), the page source of a web entry (right click and you will see it), the programing of a computer.

Revelation,  that "ah ha - I get it" moment is what makes life interesting.  It is what makes us want to find out more about a person, that promise of more.  What we see in part, that we might know in full if we just look a little deeper. 

When I was in my very first high school assembly I heard somebody read these words "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it" - I felt as though someone had just handed me a puzzle, a combination lock, that if I could just hear that again and understand it, i might know something more than I knew already.  What was it they had read?  was it shakespear? It took me a long time to find it and an even longer time to find out what it might have meant. 

We are all on a journey.  Some people really enjoy journeys and others prefer destinations.  I went on holiday with some very good friends once.  I am not a morning person and was a bit miserable at 4am, until my good friend told me, its not about the destination, its about the journey.  It changed my whole outlook.  We had fun the entire 22 hour drive and every stop along the way.  

Life really is about the journey.  

I cant remember accurately the quote or who said it, but it is something like this.  Once a man has tasted of heaven, he is forever spoiled for the ordinary, for forever after he will walk looking at the sky...... 
It implies he has been changed, he has seen something that he now longs to know more of, that he cannot live the same life he once used to live, he has been changed. Changed by the journey. 

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